Ant n Dec are British TV personalities. While both apparently used to smoke, as of June 2014, it appears that only Ant does now.
ant and dec sounds so much better then dec and ant and it has been ant and dec for years so i would never change it Can't imagine it being it Dec and Ant
Ant does, but Dec stopped awhile ago for his health.
ant.... or is it dec?
Definitely Ant and Dec They both sound ridiculous
Ant is 5'8", Dec is 5'6"
there not ugly at all there cute and the best comidiens ive ever herd of and singers go on youtube and type in:were on the ball ant and dec..shout ant and dec...eternal love ant and dec...falling ant and dec...when i fall in love ant and dec... or thats my email address
yes ant and dec were on the x factor
Not sure about ant but dec wanted to be a priest
Dec is older than Ant gggggggggg
where does Ant and Dec live in West London
Dec is going out with Georgie Thompson and Ant is married to Lisa Armstrong.
dec has 3 sisters duno about the names or ant