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You need to wash clothing (preferably on hot) and dry it (preferably on hot). Hot wash/dry will kill all bed bug stages and eggs.

Experts say you can also use dry cleaning but make sure the dry cleaner uses traditional methods (PERC) NOT newer, "green" methods which may not kill bed bugs.

Also, if you go to a laundromat or dry cleaner, do not take your infested clothing there unless sealed in an airtight plastic bag.

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16y ago
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13y ago

Bed bugs can be killed through washing, but the dryer is the best method. Simply place your clothing in the dryer on high heat for about 30 minutes to kill all 5 stages of bed bugs. Only fill the dryer 1/4 of the way to ensure the heat is built up quickly and distributed properly.

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12y ago

You will have to wash them hot, like 65 degrees celcius (149F). Only at temperatures that high wil kill all of them. But be aware; most clothing will lose their colour or shrink noticably at these temperatures.

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15y ago

No, washing clothes has not been proven to get rid of bed bugs. Washing the bed bugs would make sense, as it would seem to drown them, but it will not get rid of all of them. Bed Bugs will thrive in temperatures that are room temperature (68 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit), but can live in temperatures outside this. The best way to get rid of bed bugs besides getting rid of beds and clothes is to literally stick the item in the freezer for a few days. This may sound very unusual, but the extreme temperature will kill them, afterward let the clothes thaw, then wash them in the washing machine, or however you wash your clothes. The reason this works is because you put them in such extreme conditions that they cannot live. They have a zone of tolerance for temperature levels and under 32 degree Fahrenheit is not in their zone. You don't have to necessarily put them in a freezer, but it is necessary to make sure that wherever you put them is as close to the freezers temperature as possible.

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13y ago

sometimes, probally, you might want to get it dry cleaned

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13y ago

no because the bed bugs might get on the clothes

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Bed bugs like warm blood anythings and dark place.

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The correct form of languge is bed bugs. Then,you get rid of your matress and anything else with bed bugs

How can I get rid of bed bugs?

Bed bugs look like little brown beetles. You can get rid of them immediately by spraying them with rubbing alcohol, but your best bet is to sanitize everything. This means to wash every surface, and wash all of your bedding, as well as clean all floors. If you have a lot of them, you may want to consider spraying chemicals to cover a larger area.

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Yes, they are very similar in their behavious, once you have bed bugs, they are also difficult to get rid of.

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keep your bed clean! take a shower. wash your sheets once a week. check ur bed for bugs. the mattresses. once infested with bed bugs, might as well move out and get new bedding (mattress and box springs) they are hard to get rid of. EW!

Do bed bugs live on clothes and then transfer from house to house?

Normally bed bugs live in very dry places such as in between your mattress they could go onto your clothes and bite your body. If you have this problem it is necessary that you get rid of your mattress. because if you lend clothes or sleep on someones else's bed the bugs might transfer.

Does sweeping help get rid of bed bugs?

no i don't think so

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