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I did spread It on my carpet its a pain to clean though i have a dyson vac and its still hard to get it all. I also bought this BB spray made by "ORTHO" its called home defense max its $7.50 for a 18 oz can at home depo. It seems it work. If all else fails i Was able to get 98% DDT. in northern Maine and had it mailed to my house you can find anything out there. Good luck

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Q: Can you sprinkle DE all over the carpet for bed bugs?
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How can one get rid of carpet bugs?

A person can get rid of carpet bugs by vacuuming the carpet, throwing away infested garments, washing all the fabrics in the house and applying insecticide.

What can you sprinkle on your carpet after you clean up dog poop so that the dog will never return to use that spot?

You can try sprinkling a mixture of white vinegar and water or a commercial pet deterrent spray on the spot after cleaning to discourage your dog from returning to that area. Additionally, ensuring your dog has regular potty breaks and providing ample opportunities for outdoor elimination can help prevent accidents indoors.

When was Bugs Bunny's Bustin' Out All Over created?

Bugs Bunny's Bustin' Out All Over was created in 1980.

How do you kill fleas in carpet?

See if you can hire a professional steam cleaner - the superheated steam sterilize the carpet and therefore will kill the fleas, if the carpet is properly steamed all over. Note, if you have fleas in the carpet then there have been or are pets in the house, you need to wash the pet bedding regularly and make sure that you vacuum through the house at least twice a week (concentrating on where the pets are).

What are tiny grey slug shaped bugs with no visible attenae that run quickly and snake through your carpet and can hide in it called?

to all readers tirarils the bugs are called tirail (prunounced t i r a i l)and they are great for your carpet they eat pests they are a new discovery but they have a big appitite but if you have holes in your carpet you should get rid of the carpet because one ate my new born babbys blanketfrom the slug mmaster

Are lightning bugs all over the world?

Lightning bugs, or fireflys, are found on every continent.

Are there poisonous bug bites in Jamaica?

Yes, there are several species of poisonous bugs in Jamaica. There are all kinds of poisonous bugs known all over the world.

You have tons of little red bumps all over?

If all over your body, could be bed bugs or flea bites.

How do you freshen your carpet?

There are quite a few ways but the best way is to get a carpet cleaner that is scented. I would get the ones that you spray on all over the carpet, let it soak in then hover up. :) xx

What are the best all natural carpet cleaning products?

There is the Naturell cleaner. This is an all natural product that works to clean your carpet without harsh chemicals. For a heavy duty carpet cleaner, mix 1/4 cup each of salt, borax and vinegar. White vinegar and water in a spray bottle for spot cleaning. For heavy grease stains, sprinkle corn starch and let soak before vacuuming

What are the release dates for Bugs Bunny's Bustin' Out All Over - 1980 TV?

Bugs Bunny's Bustin' Out All Over - 1980 TV was released on: USA: 21 May 1980 Finland: 25 May 2006

You have little white bugs and little green bugs all over the pea plants and would like to know what they can be sprayed with?

you can use anything