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You can raise a sea urchin in a salt-water aquarium. There are no fresh water sea urchins so you would need a salt-water aquarium to properly care for the urchin.

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Q: Can you raise sea urchins in your salt water aquarium?
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Do sea urchins live in fresh water or salt water?

salt water

Can you just add salt to your aquarium to raise the salinity?

topping up with premixed salt water until you get it up to your target range is the best way

Why top off with salt water in a salt water aquarium?

killing germs.

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Aquarium salt is manufactured for different reasons than making your aquarium the perfect environment for salt water fishes. You may use it in an emergency, but long term is harmful to your fish. Marine salts contain the necessary salts and minerals that fish need are the best salt to use.

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Do you have to get a scuba license to own a salt water aquarium?

No you don't.

What kind of water do hermit crabs like?

they need dechlorinated fresh water, and dechlorinated salt water made with aquarium salt.

What temperature do sea urchins live in?

Sea urchins prefer temperatures at 82 degrees. They can live in salt water temperatures from 72 to 86 degrees though.

What does it mean if salt water aquarium fish have freckle like spots on them?

You should ask this question in the 'salt water' section.

How do salt water and freshwater fishes maintain their salt balance?

I have freshwater fish and i use aquarium salt. I put more in every time i do a water change

What happens to a fresh water fishes cells if put in a salt water aquarium?

Nothing...they die....

Can you put frogs and seahorses in the same aquarium?

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