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yes you can

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Q: Can you get a virus on your computer just from streaming videos?
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Why do my videos freeze on YouTube?

Virus, slow computer aka lag, bug, or it just takes awhile to get it started.

How do you get videos on your MP3?

how do you put videos on mp3 from limewire. Well that's not the best program to use, there are more safer (for the computer that is) ways to download other then giving your computer a deadly virus. But that's just my advice.

What exactly is an HP computer good for?

HP computer is good for office document processing, online gaming, surfing the web, as well as streaming high quality videos, just to name a few functions.

Is watching youtube videos classed as downloading or streaming We are not saving them just watching?

I think it is not classed as downloading I think it is streaming and it is true we are not saving them we are just watching them

What does virus dissemination mean in computer?

It just means deliberately releasing/spreading a computer virus.

What can I do to make sure that I am not streaming videos that will slow my internet connection?

Sites like YouTube stream videos. Video streaming will slow down your internet connection because it uses a lot of bandwidth. You can easily determine if you are streaming a video and stop it. Just close any video sites that you have open in your web browser and you will not be streaming anymore.

Why do you tube videos keep pausing?

They do not really pause. They are just streaming, meaning that the video itself is still loading.

What five solution for removing a virus from a computer?

Your best bet would be to just take the computer to Staples and have them remove the virus.

What are harmless computer viruses?

A harmless computer virus is really, just a virus that can not do any harm to your computer. It cannot access any files in your computer an cannot activate anything. All it really does is just sit there.

Can a computer virus be devastating?

yes it can be very devastating just last week i was doing work on my computer and i got a virus and the virus destroyed all my memory.

What possible effects can a computer virus have?

The effects of a computer virus is loss of information or your computer will shut down or your computer might just break and you will need one depending on the type of virus you have so becareful on what you download or open.

What is Playing MP3 files directly from the Internet without first downloading them called?

The general term for such things is "streaming", meaning that it is played before it is entirely finished downloading. For example, YouTube videos are also streamed to users. In both cases, the files are actually downloaded to your computer in a temporary folder, you just don't need to wait for them to finish downloading before you can watch/listen to them.