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Q: Can you feed red worms mullein plants?
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What would a red robin feed there young?

A red robin feeds young worms

What do red billed ducks eat?

worms, fish, and plants

What do you feed a 2 and a half inch red spotted newt eft in Virginia?

white worms,wax worms, slugs, snails,earthworms

Can you feed a small baby red ear slider a cricket?

Red Ear Slider Turtles eat a variety of foods. Yes, they will crickets, you can also feed dried shrimp, pellets, krill, or blood worms.

What do you feed a red cheek mud turtle?

grass, fish, plants, vegetables

What happens when you feed plants red bull?

You'll kill them, try a little Red Bull, if you want, and mostly water.

How can you make a red eared turtle grow faster?

feed them a little more food that you usually do and make the water a little more hot (just a little) hear is a list for what you can feed them gold fish earth worms meal worms crickets shredded up vegetables on a little plate

Can you have a worm as a pet?

Yes, you can have worms as pets! Worms like red wigglers or earthworms are common pets for composting or vermicomposting. They help break down organic waste and create nutrient-rich compost for plants. Just make sure to provide them with an appropriate environment with plenty of organic material to feed on.

Do goldfish eat red worms?

Goldfish love worms and they are definitely one of the finest foods you can give them.They're also partial to mosquito larvae if you can find any in summer. Make sure you wash the worms first though, and if the fish don't eat them remove them quickly otherwise they'll rot and affect the water quality.

Are earthworms and red worms the same thing?

Red worms and earthworms are the same thing. They are closely related to each other, though. Red worms make much better worm farm worms or composting worms than regular earth worms because of their higher rate of soil assimilation.

What do Red Knots eat?

Red Knots primarily feed on marine invertebrates such as small crabs, mollusks, and marine worms. During migration, they also consume a variety of insects and plant matter to supplement their diet.

Why are red worms preferred for composting?

they're not. pink worms are the best