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There are male wasps (drones) and female wasps (queen and workers).

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Q: Can wasps be male and female?
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How do you tell if a wasp is a female or a male?

Most wasps you see will be female workers. The drone (male) is usually larger than a worker, is more brightly coloured, has long, drooping antennae, and has no sting.

What is a synonym for drone?

Drone is a male insect. With bees and wasps, the queens and workers are all female.

How do you tell if a wasp is a boy or a girl?

Male wasps tend to be smaller and more slender than females. Additionally, male wasps typically have straighter antennae compared to the more curved antennae of females. In some species, male wasps have longer abdomens and lack a stinger.

Does male wasp sting?

Yes, male wasps have stingers, but they are not typically capable of stinging. Female wasps are the ones equipped with stingers and are the ones responsible for stinging when they feel threatened.

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Is it true male wasps dont have stingers?

Yes. The sting in wasps and bees is a modified ovipositor, an organ that only females have.

What kind of wasps don't sting?

Male wasps do not have stingers and are unable to sting. Additionally, there are some species of wasps that have evolved to be stingless, such as the Meliponine bees or "stingless bees," which are commonly found in tropical regions. These bees rely on other defensive mechanisms, such as biting, to protect themselves.

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