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Q: Can queens mate drones of outher hives?
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Honey bee drones do?

mate with the new queens

How many different jobs do bees have?

drones: mate with the queens. queen: mate with the drones make new bees. worker: they build , clean , protect hive , care for young and groom queen.

A male bee has only a mother but a female bee has both a mother and a father How many total ancestors does a male bee have going back 10 generations mother being the first generation?

In order to answer this question we have to make the assumption that none of the drones and queens share a parent otherwise the figures will become impossible to calculate. Bear in mind that each queen will mate with up to 20 drones, although each drone will only mate with one queen because it will die after mating. The figures below are worked on the basis that each queen has two parents (a queen and a drone) and each drone only has one (the queen): * Generation 1: 1 queen * Generation 2: 1 queen, 1 drone * Generation 3: 2 queens, 1 drone (mothers of the queen and drone, father of the queen) * Generation 4: 3 queens, 2 drones * Generation 5: 5 queens, 3 drones * Generation 6: 8 queens, 5 drones * Generation 7: 13 queens, 8 drones * Generation 8: 21 queens, 13 drones * Generation 9: 34 queens, 21 drones * Generation 10: 55 queens, 34 drones This gives a grand total of 143 queens and 88 drones. Those of a mathematical persuasion will notice that this is a perfect example of a Fibonnacci sequence, both for the numbers of queens and the numbers of drones.

How do drones mate with the queenbee?

soon after hatching the young Queen bee leave her hive and goes on a mating flight. The drones from her hive and other hives (drones are allowed in any hive) follow her. She flies high and fast and only the fittest drone can catch her and mate with her. Once she has mated she stores the semen in her body and returns to her hive. She never mates again and fertilities all the eggs required using the stored semen.

What do the male bees do around the hive?

In a word: nothing. Male bees (drones) have only one purpose in life, to mate with new queens and will be out of the hive looking for queens whenever the weather is suitable. They do no work at all within the hive. For this reason, at the end of the summer all of the drones are thrown out of the hive to die so they are not a drain on precious food resources during the winter. In the spring the queen will start laying new drone eggs for that season's drones.

Where do bees go in winter in the uk?

Honey bees will stay in the hives when it is too cold to fly out, and will cluster together on the combs to conserve body heat -- rather like penguins in the antarctic. For bumble bees and wasps: at the end of summer the colonies would have produced new queens and drones. The new queens will mate then fly off to find somewhere sheltered to spend the winter in hibernation. The rest of the colony die. Next spring the queens come out of hibernation and start new nests.

What is the age of reproduction for a bee?

Drones (males) are ready to mate after around ten days after they emerge from the pupal cell, and queens about a week after they emerge. The queens will have one mating flight (or perhaps two or three if the weather is not too good) between one and three weeks after emerging and the sperm they receive will be stored for their whole egg-laying life of two or three years. Drones die during mating.Workers are all females, but they don't mate.

Are the drones the only male honey bees?

Yes, drones are the only male honey bees. Their eyes are larger than those of workers (non-fertile females) or queens (fertile females), which aids them in finding a queen. Their bodies are larger than workers, but smaller than queens. They only serve one purpose; to mate with a queen. Once they have mated, they die.

How long can a bumble bee live?

Bumble bees are seasonal and only young queens hibernate through the winter to produce new colonies in the spring. At the end of summer the new queens and drones mate and the queens find a sheltered place to hibernate. The rest of the colony dies as the cold weather comes.

What is the role of the drones?

It's role is to mate with the queen

What is the Average life span of Drone bee?

They can live for up to around four months.At the end of summer, regardless of their age, the drones are evicted from the hive by the workers and they die. This is because there will be no more queens to mate that season and drones do no work in the hive so would just be a drain on resources. New drones are produced the following spring.

Do drones mate with workers?

No, they can't as workers are sterile females. As soon as drones have finished with the queen, the workers force them out or kill them.