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mosquitos don't carry staph. it is on the skin already and the bite can be scratched and allow the bacteria into the blood.

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Q: Can mosquito's carry staph
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What is the infection rate for staph infection?

30% of people in the U.S carry staph bacteria in their skin.

If you have a boil does that mean you are infected and carry staph bacteria?

no it could be a lot of skin diseases it doesnt meen u have staph

Why is yellow fever in Africa and not in America?

The mosquitos that carry it are not in North America.

What causes myxomatosis?

it is caused by flies, fleas and mosquitos. they carry the disease to the rabbits.

Can mosquito bites lead to malaria?

yes.some mosquitos carry the disease malaria

Can dogs carry staph and pass it on to humans?

Yes, dogs can carry Staphylococcus bacteria on their skin or in their noses, but it is less common for them to cause infections in humans. However, it is still advisable to practice good hygiene when handling pets, especially if you have open wounds or a weakened immune system.

What do frogs do for earth?

They eat mosquitos, which carry a lot of sicknesses, but frogs dont get affected by them.

Do Mosquitos carry the plague disease?

no, the plague virus is to spread through air not by mosquito

Can mosquito's carry western equine encephalitis?

Yes, mosquitos are the transmission source for WEE.

What is the most dangerous insects?

mosquitos. they carry blood disases from the blood they drink.

Does a black mamba carry yellow fever?

No, it is a VERY venomous snake. Yellow fever is carried by mosquitos.

Is an animal or insect considered a vector?

A vector is something that carries. Some female mosquitos carry diseases.