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Yes the can. if you go to the bug museum in New Orleans you can buy boxes of them in assorted flavors if you wanted to you could eat anything the question is do you want to

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Q: Can humans eat grasshoppers
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Do humans eat grasshoppers?

i do

Are happy face spider deadly?

No they are harmful to humans. They eat grasshoppers.

What animals eat grass hoppers and the animals that eat grass hoppers who eats them?

Food Chain: Grasshoppers-> Bird Bird-> Humans Grasshoppers-> Bird Bird-> Felines, Canines

Do grasshoppers drink water?

no, grasshoppers get the moisture from their food

What eats both meat and insects?

a snake eats humans/ meat and they eat grasshoppers

What are some similarities that a grasshopper and a human have?

Actually, there are several similarities in grasshoppers and humans. We both have legs, heads, eyes, and mouths. Humans and grasshoppers both eat greens. Not only that, but we both reproduce.

What is the function of the grasshoppers abdomen?

An grasshoppers abdomen contains their digestive system and their reproductive system. They break down food very similar to humans after they eat.

Do grasshoppers eat hosta?

Grasshoppers will eat hosta.

Do rats eat grasshoppers?

yes they do eat grasshoppers

Do grasshoppers eat clover?

Grasshoppers, especially baby grasshoppers eat plants that they can digest easily, like clover or grass. Grasshoppers do not eat other insects, they only eat plants.

Are grasshoppers good for a garden?

No! Cause they eat and destroy your grass:)!

Do bears eat grasshoppers?

Bears are omnivores like humans. This means they eat meat and plants. If a grasshopper was on the menus a bear wouldn't have a problem eating it. But it would take a lot of grasshopper to make a meal for a bear.