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Q: Can chili and calamansi kill cockroaches?
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Related questions

Which is better in killing cockroaches orange juice or calamansi juice?

Orange juice and Calamansi juice have both been used to kill cockroaches but are not permanent solutions. They both are equally effective for killing on contact.

Is calamansi can kill germs?

Calamansi can kill germs because of its acid. Just like vinegar...^_*

Do floor tiles kill cockroaches?

Floor tiles do not kill cockroaches. You will need to use a pesticide.

Can ethyl alchol kill cockroaches?

Ethyl alcohol can kill cockroaches. Bug killers can be bought especially for cockroaches in a spray form also. This is a popular way to kill roaches.

Can Cockroaches kill?


What chemical contain of calamansi that can kill a mosquito?

The chemical in calamansi that can potentially kill mosquitoes is called limonin. Limonin is a natural insecticide found in the peel and seeds of calamansi. However, it is important to note that using calamansi alone may not effectively eliminate mosquitoes and other appropriate mosquito control methods should be used in conjunction.

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What are the factors why chili kills mosquito?

how can chili kill the mosquito

Can orange kill cockroaches?

Orange oil is known to effectively kill cockroaches. Orange oil is commonly found in degreasing spray that is used in the kitchen for cleaning.

Where can non members in runescape kill cockroaches is there a place for mages to kill them like a place where the cockroaches can't get to you and you kill them with runes?

You can kill them near Edgeville, and no there is no safe spots for the Soldiers, they have an added ranged attack, that hurts more than their melee does.

What is the pH of Calamansi?

Calamansi juice typically has a pH range of 2.2 to 2.4, making it acidic in nature.

How do you keep praying mantis away?

Bug killers. But don't kill them. They kill cockroaches and other pests