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Just about any critter can enter an open mouth. Although not naturally prone to seek out human mouths the appearance of an open mouth could offer a tempting cover to hide from stink bug eaters. Best advice is don't put your mouth near a stink bug.

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12y ago
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13y ago

only if you open your mouth and sleep and it depends on were you sleep because you are more likely to get them on a wooden bed but if you sleep on a metal bed you wouldn't get as much as a wooden be because bed bugs like wood because it is nice and cosy

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15y ago

yes. there are microscopic bugs all over the human body. there are bugs in your eyelashes and on your teeth. i know it's gross!

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If your mouth is open, there is nothing stopping them!

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Q: Can bugs live in your mouth?
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We all live with bugs. They infest even the cleanest homes. Even the cleanest skin and hair are home to thousands of microscopic bugs. How do we live with bugs? We couldn't live without them.

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NO BED BUGS CAN,T LIVE IN A SWIMMING POOL because they are bed bugs not pool bugs.

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No. It sounds like a joke.

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