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I am starting to think yes. I am currently living in a powdered down apt covered in Diamatacious Earth....which is an organic powder that drys out the exoskeleton of the bug, eventually causing their insides to dryout and bedbug DIES! That is my favorite part, their DEATH!!! It usually takes aroud 10 days for the effect of the DE powder to take its tole on the evil bugs. So after day 10 I went 4 lovely nights w/out a single bite, Until last night :( It got hot, so for the first time in 2 weeks, I turned on my window AC located in my bedroom. To my horrific surprise, I was bit 6 times. Just when I thought the nightmare ended, it returned. I feel like i personally am living in somekind of Horror film. This is miserable. I will get rid of the Airconditioner, and see what happens.

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Q: Can bugs live in the air conditioner?
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they can only live around a day without air. i dont know why i said "only".

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No they can't because cold air kills them. They can live in hot or warm air.

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The word, 'air conditioner' is a noun. The definition of air conditioner is a machine that controls the humidity and temperature of the air.

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A/C: An abbreviation for air conditioner or air conditioning.AC.

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If your air conditioner blows air but it's not cold air then you probably need freon in your air conditioner

Can anybody fix my air conditioner?

Yes, there are people that will service an air conditioner and will fix the air conditioner if the air conditioner is broken. The local Sears store in your community has this service available.