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Q: Can bedbugs live in colď temperatures?
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Does bedbugs live a worm inside you?

Bedbugs cannot live inside of you, they only live on your furniture and give you nasty little bites.

Does bedbugs live in computers?

No. No they do not.

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What part of the world does bedbugs live in?

they live all over the world

Where do little bedbugs live?

With Lavell Little He Duty!!

Were could bed bugs live?

Anywhere it is dark and at a warm to moderate temperature. Over 115 F or under 15 F they will die. Warm temperatures are more effective and require less duration than cold to kill BedBugs including their eggs.

Can bed bugs live on shoes and purses?

Bedbugs are most commonly found in hotel rooms. If luggage is left on the floor, or shoes and purses, then bedbugs might crawl into them. Bedbugs live off of human and animal blood, so if they are not exposed to any blood then they will eventually die.

Can bedbugs live at high altitudes?

I suppose if a mountain sheep died they would live on it but now bedbugs are perfectly adapted to sharing your bed eating you dead skin

Can bedbugs live in a outside plant nursery?

yes but below like 60 something degrees the go into hibernation

Can bedbugs live in houseplants?

NO. Do not confuse bedbugs with garden bugs. They are completely different. Bedbugs normally live inside a home in or near to a bed. They do not live outside in a garden. Bedbug eggs usually get brought into a home in furniture or luggage. When the eggs in the furniture or luggage hatch, the bedbugs set up their base close to where some person sleeps at night, which is usually thereafter in or near somebodys bed inside that home. That is why they are called bedbugs

In what temperatures do anaconda snakes live in?

They live in hot temperatures.

Do bedbugs like wood furniture?

Yes. They can live under your dressers, in nightstands, and on headboards. They can live in your walls, and between the wall and baseboards. They live behind pictures, in cracks, behind damaged wall paper and in electrical outlets.