

Best Answer
No. Unlike other parasites like fleas and ticks Bed Bugs do not live on their victims. Bed Bugs will feed on your pet and then run back to their hiding place. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO TREAT YOUR PET FOR...Can_bed_bugs_live_on_catsBed bugs do not live on on a person or animal. Instead they come out at night and feed off of any living thing within their walking range, including cats and other pets
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13y ago


Unlike other parasites like fleas and ticks BedBugs do not live on their victims. BedBugs will feed on your pet and then run back to their hiding place.


The only pets that are safe from BedBugs are fish.

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13y ago

Bed bugs do not live on on a person or animal. Instead they come out at night and feed off of any living thing within their walking range, including cats and other pets.

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11y ago

Bedbugs will almost always feed off humans unless no humans are available. If your cat is the only animal around for the bedbugs to feed off of, then it's possible.

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Can bed bugs live in swimming pool?

NO BED BUGS CAN,T LIVE IN A SWIMMING POOL because they are bed bugs not pool bugs.

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Can bed bugs live in your homes chair?

Yes, bed bugs will live anywhere you live! Bed Bugs like couches and chairs with cushions to hide in. A thorough Bed Bug treatment will include your furniture!

If a house has bed bugs and the house has been empty for 3 months will the bed bugs be gone?

Not necessarily. In fact, it's likely that the infestation has increased. (Sorry.) (1) Bed bugs can feed off of any warmblooded animal - that includes cats, rats, mice etc. (2) Bed bugs can live for up to 9 months without a blood-meal!

Why are bed bugs called bed bugs?

Some people believe that bed bugs have their unusual name because they are mostly found in beds of humans that are sleeping through the night.they are bugs that live on your bed

Does honey boo boo's mom have bed bugs?

No. Bed Bugs typically live in beds and upholstered furniture, they do not live on people.

Can baby bed bugs live without adult bed bugs?

Yes, baby bed bugs can live without adults. To develop they need at least 5 blood meals to reach adulthood where they can then begin to reproduce. There are 5 stages of development for bed bugs.

Can bed bugs get in your bed?

"Bed Bugs" can, in fact, get into your bed, in your bed, and on your bed.

Will bed bugs live in an empty apartment?


Can bed bug survive on body?

Bed bugs live in conjunction with humans, not on humans. They are expert hitchhikers, and my use your body or clothing as a means of transportation from one place to another, but they will not live on your body, they will feed of of your blood and return to their hiding places.

Do bed bugs live in Battle Ground I am scared of bed bugs and i live in battle ground that's why I want to know if they live in Battle Ground?

Just bom your house

Do bed bugs die if they don't get blood?

No , the bed bugs can live more 8 days without having blood.