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Not all the time, some insects produce venom that is not poisonous like :The ringneck snake.

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No, but they can be venomous - bees, wasps, hornets, etc.

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Q: Can an insect be poisonous because it has venom?
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NO - Snake venom is poisonous ! Please if you answer a question know what your talking about you can eat a snakes venom because your stomach acid will wear it down so that it is harmless before it comes to you blood stream.

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No part of a rattlesnake is poisonous. However, the venom glands, venom ducts and fangs are the venomous parts of the rattlesnake.

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No, they are born with venomous venom. The venom is not poisonous. Big difference! Poison must be ingested to cause harm while venom must be injected. Venom is not usually dangerous if swallowed.