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Yes, you might be able to Google pictures of infected mosquito bites. The internet is a good place to start for photos that might help with medical diagnoses.

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Q: Can I look at mosquito bite pictures to determine if my bites are infected?
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Can mosquito bite pictures help me determine if my bites are from a mosquito?

Yes, mosquito bite pictures can help you determine if your bites are from a mosquito. Simply compare them to pictures of mosquito bite pictures online.

Does an infected moquito sit on or bite a human?

I think an infected mosquito bites a human if it is infected, because it wants your blood

Can you get yellow fever from from animal bites?

No, you can get yellow fever only from the bit of an infected female mosquito.

Is there a database of mosquito bite pictures?

There are several websites that offer some great pictures of various mosquito bites. My personal favorite is mosquito bite pictures dot com, you can also try sites like web md.

How is filariasis transmitted?

A mosquito first bites an infected individual then bites another uninfected individual, transferring some of the worm larvae to the new host.

How is the West Nile Virus reproduced?

West Nile Virus is a mosquito-borne disease. It reproduces it self when a mosquito with the virus bites a bird, birds are killed by WNV but can also give of the virus if another mosquito bites the infected bird, the reproducing the disease.

How does the mosquito transmit malaria?

Malaria is caused by a parasite in the plasmodium family. Without going into too much detail the mosquito takes what amounts to eggs from an infected person those mature partially in the mosquito. Those are then passed to everyone that infected mosquito bites.

The pathogenic protozoan that causes malaria is transmitted to humans by?

The pathogenic protozoan that causes malaria, Plasmodium, is primarily transmitted to humans through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. When an infected mosquito bites a person, it injects Plasmodium parasites into their bloodstream, where they then travel to the liver and red blood cells to multiply and cause infection.

How does a mosquito spread malaria?

When a mosquito bites an infected person, a small amount of blood is taken in which contains microscopic malaria parasites. About 1 week later, when the mosquito takes its next blood meal, these parasites mix with the mosquito's saliva and are injected into the person being bitten.

Why does it itch and swell after a mosquito bites?

Well it will itch because it will effect your hand and it will swell up because you keep on itching it or because it gt infected

How do people contract malaria?

The main way that people contract malaria is by mosquito bites. A mosquito that is infected with malaria bites someone/ sucks their blood. And the malaria wich is probably a virus or bacteria is going throughout the blood stream multipying and infecting healthy blood cells giving the victom malaria

Do you get away from a person that has a mosquito bite?

mosquito bites are not contagious.