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Bilateral symmetry.

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Q: Both flatworms and roundworms have a body type called?
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Why don't parasitic flatworms and roundworms have structures for locomotion?

That's just the way God made them. Flatworms and roundworms have certain body cavities that basically help them digest food,respire,reproduce,and even move from one place to another.

Compare and contrast the body of a flatworm to the body plan of a roundworm?

Flatworms are considered acoelomate, since they have no body cavity, and roundworms are pseudocoelomate because they have a body cavity, but it is not derived from the splitting of the mesoderm tissue. Also, flatworms only have one opening in their digestive system unlike roundworms with two.

What is the body structure of roundworms?

Roundworms have long, cylindrical bodies that taper at both ends. They have a complete digestive system with a mouth and an anus, and their bodies are covered in a protective cuticle. Roundworms also have a fluid-filled body cavity called a pseudocoelom.

What does a flatworm have inside its body?

Flatworms and Roundworms have bilateral symmetry as a body type.

Which animals have a cylindrical body that is tapered at both ends?


Which animal haves cylindrical body that is tapered at both ends?


What are the main characteristics of sponges cnidarians and worms?

Sponges are invertebrate animals that usually have no body symmetry and never have tissues or organs. Cnidarians use stinging cells to capture food and defend themselves. Flatworms are flat and as soft as jelly. Unlike cnidarians or flatworms, roundworms have a digestive system that is like a tube, open at both ends. Earthworms and other segmented worms have bodies made up of many linked sections called segments.

What do flatworms roundworms and segment worms have in common?

flatworms arent round but flatworms look like pancakes. they both belong to the invertabre group and have similar internal organs.

Are worms classified by their body shapes?

Yes, worms are classified based on their body shapes and structures. There are various types of worms, such as flatworms, roundworms, and segmented worms, each with distinct body structures that help define their classification.

What is the difference between flatworms and segmented worms?

(it would be false to say that all flatworms are parasitic--the idiot that wrote that wasn't so smart, so I had to change that-- because the PLANARIAN-for example, is flatworm and that is a harmless little critter) ~round worms are ROUND ~flat worms are FLAT ~Round worms have 2 body openings (mouth & anus) *random fact: 1/2 of all roundworms are PARASITIC, and 50 species affect humans**

What are animal groups called that have no body cavity?

Acoelomate animals, like flatworms

What theart does flatworms cause to human?

Flatworms are typically asymptomatic. This can prevent the tapeworm ever being detected until it eventually dies and is passed out of the body through the stool. Occasionally human hosts experience nausea or abdominal cramps when infected with flatworms. A roundworm infection can cause more serious symptoms such as headaches and severe pain, depending on the worm's location within the body. In severe cases, roundworms have been known to cause blindness or paralysis.