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yes... because people are hunting for them. that they would not take down submarines boats etc...

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Q: Are vampire squids in danger of becoming extinct?
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Why are vampire squids becoming endangered?


How many giant squids exist?

Around 100 because they are becoming extinct and they are very rare to find.

How many tentacles do vampire squids have?

The vampire squids have two tentacles which are referred to as their retractile filaments. Also, Vampire squids have 8 arms.

Are vampire squids and humble squids the same?

Kind of.

How do vampire squids hunt?

The same as most squids do - backwards.

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Do vampire squids drink blood?

No they do not.

What do vampire squids live in?

in your imagination.

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Do Vampire squids eat McDonald's burgers?

No. There is no such thing as "Vampire squids", at least not land-dwelling ones that would go into a McDonald's to eat hamburgers.