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The word vermin refers to animals, usually smaller ones, that are annoying (e.g., insects), spread disease (e.g., rats), are pests or are destructive to property or crops (e.g., mice and other rodents), or otherwise are undesirable. They are often exterminated or trapped and relocated for control.

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Are raccoons listed as vermin?

No, raccoons are not vermin. They may be pests but such animals as rats and mice would be considered as vermin.

Were the Jews considered vermin in Nazi Germany?

Nazi propaganda portrayed them as vermin, thus dehumanizing them in an attempt to rationalize the Nazi crimes against them.

Is a hedgehog vermin?

No, I don't think hedgehogs would be considered vermin - as they eat insects that pester us, and do not live off of humans (get into houses, etc)

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i think it's termites

Is a squirrel a vermin?

Outside its native country (North America), the grey squirrel is most certainly a pest and is classified by law as vermin.

Why are mice classed as vermin?

Vermin are "wild animals which are believed to be harmful to crops, farm animals, or game, or which carry disease". Mice, like rats, can carry diseases. Mice also eat crops, commonly corn, and are considered a pest and vermin.

Is the word VERMIN plural?

Vermin is a word that is both plural and singular. i.e. There was a vermin in my house. i.e. Those rats are vermin.

How would one describe the word vermin?

Vermin is an all-encompassing term that stands for anything that could be considered a pest. These are usually insects, and the term is most widely used for crop-destroying insects.

Is a squirrel considered vermin?

Vermin is defined as wild mammals and birds that are believed to be harmful to crops, farm animals, or game, or that carry disease, e.g., foxes, rodents, and insect pests. It is a matter of local opinion. Skunks perform a valuable service by helping control rodents and insect pests but some might consider them as vermin as they can carry rabies.

Are cockroaches a safety violation?

Cockroaches are a food safety vioaltion in food service establishmnets. They are considered to be vermin.

What part of speech is vermin?

Vermin is a noun.

Are snakes vermin?

Snakes are reptiles. They eat vermin.