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Not sure about all seashells, but crushed oyster shells are good for controlling slugs and earwigs in a garden.

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Q: Are seashells good for gardening
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What are ground seashells called?

Ground seashells are often referred to as crushed seashells or shell grit. They are commonly used in gardening and landscaping to improve soil drainage and provide calcium to plant roots.

What is a good website for identify seashells?

A good site to identify seashells is or

What is good morning in seashells language?

There is no such thing as seashells language.

Why is gardening is good for you?

Gardening helps you relax. It can lower your blood pressure. It is also good exercise.

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What is the possessive form of seashells?

The possessive form of "seashells" is "seashells'."

What do you call someone who is good at gardening?

Colloquially, people who are good at gardening are referred to as having a "green thumb".

Where an I buy a good trowel for gardening?

You can find a good gardening trowel at a number of different gardening supply stores. Some examples of these might be Home Hardware, Canadian Tire or Lowe's.

Can I get some good gardening tips?

A good place too look for help with gardening is at your local flower, gardening or hardware shops. You can purchase good, detailed books on the subject at a local bookstore or online. For online help, there are many guides with tips and tricks for gardening. This is one of them:

Any good gardening tips or good resources about gardening?

I am a beginning gardener and find the best resource for black thumb gardeners is a website entitled There is also a program on the learning channel that features gardening tips it is entitled the gardening program.

What site do you go to see good seashells facts?


Could raw eggs be good for gardening?

If you are considering it to use as a manure then raw eggs have no effect on gardening.