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Spiders form a monophyletic group with all modern spiders sharing a common ancestor. This means that all spiders are equally related to scorpions. Some stem groups may have characteristics that are plesiomorphic or "primitive with respect to other spiders" that may make them appear superficially similar to ancient arachnids.

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9y ago
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14y ago

scorpions are a close bug species to spiders

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14y ago

I think that a scorpion is related to a spider, but I am not completely sure.

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8y ago

Scorpions are a type of spider.

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10y ago

Yes, scorpions, spiders and ticks are all arachnids.

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Do spiders eat scorpions?

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What is the group of spider?

they are arachnids along with scorpions,ticks etc.

What is an example of arachnid?

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the violin spider mostly eats small insects like scorpions or ants.

Can a spider possibly eat scorpions?

yes it depends on what kind they are but yes they can.

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A six eyed sand spider eats scorpions and other small animals

Can you give me five animals related to scorpions?

I only know one, but it is a spider.

What is the definition of arachnophbia?

Arachnophobia is the neurological fear of spider, scorpions, and other arachnids.

Scientific name for spider?

Arachnid, or 8 legged animal, scorpions are arachnids too.

Is a scorpion a spider?

Spiders and scorpions both belong to the arthropod class Arachnida (arachnids) and are not insects (they have 8 legs).Spiders are of the order Araneae and scorpions of the order Scorpiones.