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no way well that's what I've heard.

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Q: Are mangroves found on the rocky shore zone?
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Related questions

What are the different zones of the rocky shore?

Splash zone high tide zone low tide zone pelagic zone abyssal zone

WHAT zone of the rocky shore would you most likely find only grasses and patches of lichens?

splash zone

What organisms would most likely be found in the splash zone of the rocky shore?

You didn't give me the multiple choices, but the types of organisms found in the splash zone of a rocky shore would include lots of invertebrates like anemones, starfish, crabs, clams, snails, etc.Yes, and also rockweed. I was told this by my science teacher it's rockweed. I'm going to take the test right now and IF I get it wrong [God forbid] I'll improve my answer; promise. :)Rockweed:) I'm totally taking the same class.

What is best describes the energy intertidal zone on a rocky shore?

The communities are stratified from the high-tide line to the low-tide line. Good luck! :)

Were does a sea cucmber live?

In the intertidal zone of sandy or rocky beaches. They are also found in tide pools, reefs and rocky points.

In what ocean zone does the dolphin live in?

dolphins live in the pelagic zone (from shore to shore) and the Nerittic Zone (above continental shelf) and the photic zone (200m deep, where light penetrates) the are not found deeper than the photic zone

What zone comes after the intertidal zone?

The near-shore zone comes next on the ocean side and the splash zone is on the shore side.

What zone does a sea star live in?

Intertidal Zone Sunlight Zone, and a few species in the twilight zone .

What region between mars and Jupiter were many rocky objects found?

The region between Mars and Jupiter where many rocky objects are found is called the asteroid belt. It is located roughly between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter and is home to thousands of asteroids, which are rocky remnants from the early solar system.

What kind of ocean habitat do starfish live in?

Starfish can be found on the ocean floor from the greatest depths all the way up to the lower tidal zone.Starfish can live in almost every single oceanic zone.starfish live in the bathyal zone and the intertidal zoneSunlit zone

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Found in the Safari Zone after obtaining the National Dex, at the following areas (with blocks and other requirements in parenthesis): Rocky Beach rocky 24

What is a shore zone?

A shore zone refers to the area where a body of water meets the land. It is the transition area between aquatic and terrestrial environments, characterized by unique ecosystems influenced by both land and water processes. Shore zones typically support diverse plant and animal species adapted to living in both aquatic and terrestrial habitats.