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They eat insects which eat a farmer's produce.

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12y ago

yes because it feed aphid and other pests.

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Q: Are ladybird beetles helpful to farmers?
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Related questions

How are ladybird beetles helpful for us?

They eat the bugs that eat your plants, flowers, vegetables and salads.

Does a ladybird have legs?

Ladybird beetles or ladybugs are insects - they have six legs.

Can ladybugs be beetles?

refine your question do you mean is there a ladybird bug and a ladybird bettle

What is the most common insect in Imperial Valley?

The most common insect in Imperial Valley is likely the mosquito, due to the high temperatures and presence of water from agricultural irrigation. Mosquitoes are common in this region and can be a nuisance to residents and visitors alike.

Is ladybird a bird?

ni it is a bug and is not classed as a mammal!

What predates aphids?

Ladybird beetles and larvae predate aphids as do some species of bird.

What is 'ladybird beetle' in Latin?

The Latin word for "ladybird" or "ladybug" is coccinella.Scientifically speaking, these beetles are members of the family Coccinellidae, which comprises more than 5000 species.

What type of ladybird skeleton?

They have an exoskeleton rather than an endoskeleton like mammalia or reptilia

What kind of animal that helps farmers by eating insects harmful to plants?

A Ladybird

What kind of fruit can a ladybug eat?

Ladybird Beetles, aka Lady Bugs can eat small soaked rasins.

Can you identify fluorescent green bugslooks like ladybird beetle?

The best way to identify beetles is by looking at images. The world's insect population is made up of 40 percent beetles. A green bug that looks like a ladybird beetle is a beetle but the species are hard to identify without seeing and comparing.

Are sunburst diving beetles harmful or helpful?

no it will kill them