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An Israeli start-up company called Cine'al has developed a super-absorbent substance made from jellyfish known as hydromash which they claim can be used to make diapers, tampons, and paper towels. Hydrosmash was inspired by research from the University of Tel Aviv, which found that jellyfish were made up of a material that could "absorb high volume of liquids and hold them without disintegrating or dissolving."

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9y ago
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12y ago

Jellyfish are able to sting in order to protect themselves or to kill their prey with something called nematocysts. With some jellyfish, the effects of nemaocysts can cause an adverse reaction for humans. Basically, one should not touch or bother a jellyfish if they come across one, because being stung can be very painful. Even stumbling across a jellyfish that appears dead or harmless can be dangerous, so avoid them at all costs.

Generally speaking, the sting of a jellyfish will not cause death, but first aid should be seeked immediately.

Answer Two

Yes. Giant Jellyfish have been known to attack fishermen on ships in huge groups in Japan. They can weigh up to 450 pounds, and their tentacles can reach 6 ft long.

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9y ago

An Israeli start-up company called Cine'al has developed a super-absorbent substance made from jellyfish known as hydromash which they claim can be used to make diapers, tampons, and paper towels. Hydrosmash was inspired by research from the University of Tel Aviv, which found that jellyfish were made up of a material that could "absorb high volume of liquids and hold them without disintegrating or dissolving."

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16y ago

Yes; they have an important echologic role over fishes population, and scientist are studying their regenerative capacities.

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14y ago

yes there are but when they are scared or in in danger the attack was there stingers.

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9y ago

Processed jellyfish are about 94% water and about 6% protein.

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