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Ants are not good to have in the house. We have an ant problem in my house, and I would suggest using ant killer powder.

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Q: Are ants ok in the house and will they die off quick?
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What are the decomposers of the ant colony?

The decomposers of the ant colony are the ants that eat the dead. Ants that die in the colony are fed to the decomposers and the queen ant. Ants are naturally decomposers because they feed off dead things.

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if you are in fire it depends...... If it is a house fire you may inhale so much smoke your lungs will not find clean and and you may die. if you stick say a finger or arm in fire it is less likely only if you get it off quick or you may lose your arm

Do ants hibernate or die off in the winter?

Ants do not hibernate like some animals. Instead, they go into a state of dormancy or slow down their activity during the winter. In colder regions, some ant colonies may die off due to cold temperatures and lack of food.

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Because anteaters eat ants, and when they lick the ants off the ground, the ants will stick to the anteater's tongue.

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Why would you want to do that? Ants are insects like butterflies - so anything you would do to drive off ants would drive off butterflies as well.

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The animals will lose there habitat and die off. For example, if the trees in the forest died off, the the animals that need moisture to survive will not be able to adjust quick enough, then they will die.

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the leaf eaters are afraid of the ants, so the leaf eaters can only eat when the ants are off the leaves. This is how ants protect the trees from the leaf eaters.

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Who said o true apothecary thy drugs are quick thus with a kiss you die?

first off it is with a kiss i die not you because romeo dies and romeo says that.

Can coffee be used to get rid of ants?

Yes, ants are repelled by the scent coffee gives off. You can see other natural ways to repel ants at the related link below.

How do you keep ants off your motorcycle?

Just use an off the shelf bug repellant.