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Q: Are an army ant and a soldier ant the same thing?
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Related questions

What are the two other names that the army ant is known for?

A worker or a soldier ant

How long is a soldier ant?

A soldier ant is about an inch

What top politician has the same name as an animal?

army ant

Scientific name of soldier ant?

The scientific name of soldier ant is Formicidae.

Caste of sterile wingless ant with a large head and powerful jaws whose main purpose is to defend the colony?

Soldier Ant Soldier Ant

What is the ant that protects the colony?


What is the fastest insects between army ant or cockroach or a stag beetle?

army ant

How long is the army ant?

Army ants are 14mm long, while the queen army ant is 3cm long.

What insect kills about a million people a year a mosquito army ant or housefly?

army ant!

How do fire ants get food?

same thing as a regular ant search for crumbs

Is there such thing as an ANT FARM?

Yes there is such thing as an ant farm it is made for family's of ants and for the queen ant to have babys

What happens to ants when they are captured?

Queen ant of course not worker, soldier OR elite soldier. But anyway the ants already captured and killed by the enemy ant ( The one that you ask) for the queen and feed it. If human, they interested in queen ant in the flight season