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Plankton is a character from the show SpongeBob SquarePants. He is a maniacal little plankton that plots to steal the Crabby Patty Recipe from the Krusty Krab.

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Q: Are all plankton photosynthetic
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What organisms begin all photosynthetic food chains?

Plankton and phytoplankton.

When populations of photosynthetic plankton explode the event is referred to as an?

Plankton bloom.

What does eat phytoplankton?

phytoplankton eats all other kinds of plankton

Is dinoflagellantes photosynthetic?

Most dinoflagellates are marine plankton though they are also abundant in fresh water habitats. These organisms are known as photosynthetic.

Which 2 nutrients limit the growth of photosynthetic plankton in marine environments?

nitrogen and phospherous

Which living organisms are photosynthetic?

there are some kinds of photosynthetic living organisms such as Plankton, certain sea slugs such as the Elysia Chlorotica, and Pea Aphids. --RKH

Where do Noctiluca live and what does it eat?

Noctiluca are marine plankton that live in oceans around the world. They are non-photosynthetic and feed on other plankton, such as diatoms and dinoflagellates.

Is Dino-flagellates heterotroph and photosynthetic?

Both Dino-flagellates cover a class of microbes that can be either photosynthetic or heterotrophic. About half are considered photosynthetic plankton (mostly in marine waters but some are also found in fresh water), they are eukaryotic algae (protozoa). Predator dino-flagellates do not have pigments like photosynthetic ones. There are also a few parasitic forms.

Is it true that sharks help the filtration of carbon-dioxide in the oceans by the way of the food chain IE Sharks eat an organism and that being feeds on the organisms that filter carbon-dioxide?

nop RT: Actually, I found out that it IS true. I believe it is something along the lines of there being photosynthetic plankton present in the oceans. Similar to trees, these plankton filter carbon-dioxide out of the oceans with the help of sunlight. Fish, other plankton and other organisms eat these plankton. Sharks help control the fish population, allowing the photosynthetic plankton to sustain a healthy population, or something to that affect. I am still researching...

Are animal plankton omnivores and are plant plankton omnivores?

Animal plankton are typically omnivores, feeding on a variety of other organisms such as smaller zooplankton, fish larvae, and even plant plankton. Plant plankton, also known as phytoplankton, are photosynthetic organisms that primarily obtain energy from sunlight and nutrients from the water, so they are not considered omnivores.

Are phytoplankton plants or animals?

Phytoplankton are neither plants nor animals. Phytoplankton are similar to plants, in that they contain chlorophyll and photosynthesize. However, phytoplankton are not in the plant kingdom. Rather, the term phytoplankton is used to describe any photosynthetic organism that drifts in the ocean (that is, they do not swim fast enough to control where they are in the ocean and are at the whim of the currents). Included in the phytoplankton are photosynthetic bacteria ("cyanobacteria") and photosynthetic single-celled eukaryotes. Photosynthetic organisms that are not plants can be referred to collectively as "algae".

How does plankton participate in the oxygen cycle?

Some plankton are photosynthetic, which means that they "make their own food" from the sunlight, much like plants. Most photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and creates oxygen. The oxygen can be dissolved into the water.