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other than the blue ringed octopus which is toxic, they are harmless to people. octopus are amazingly inteligent animals, and can remember a person that they met for up to two years without seeing them. they are naturally shy, but when aclimated to humans, they can be quite inquisitive.

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13y ago

Yes, a lot can be very deadly. The astralian blue-ringed occtopus is very small but it could kill you with one bite, and the medium sized ones can kill you by grabbing you.

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How is blue ringed octopus dangerous?

Blue-ringed octopus is considered to be quite dangerous because it is extremely poisonous.

Can you keep a blue-ringed octopus?

No, they are dangerous they are the only poisonous octopus and a bite from one can kill you.

Why is the blue ringed octopuse the most dangerous octopuse?

On my calculations the blue ringed octopus is more dangerous than the blue lined octopus because it is very poisonous and it has no cure.

Is the octopus poisonous?

I just read an article in National Geographic News that said that a new study, done April 2009, showed that all octopus, cuttlefish, and some squid are venomous. Here's the link:

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An octopus

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All octopus are oviparous - they lay eggs like all mollusks.

How is Standard Oil depicted in the magazine Puck's illustrating the company as a dangerous monopoly?

An octopus

Do octopus's have backbone?

No. They are invertebrates. Gordon Grice author of Deadly Kingdom: The Book of Dangerous Animals

Are giant pacific octopus dangerous?

They are not endangered. Nor are they threatened. They are in fact sensitive to polluted waters.

Who was Paul the Octopus?

Octopus Paul is an octopus which is the biggest star of Fifa worldcup2010 who made his all decisions correct

Why is the Tree Octopus endangered?

There is no such thing as a tree octopus. It is not endangered. It was all just an internet hoax.