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As per i know there are total 33 disease can be transmitted directly or in directly. One of the major disease is Asthma.

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Q: All about diseases caused by cockroaches?
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What diseases do cockroaches spread?

There are several different diseases that cockroaches can spread to humans and other animals. Some of these diseases include dysentery, typhoid, poliomyelitis, and gastroenteritis.

What can be done to stop the diseases of cockroaches?

Get rid of cockroaches in whatever area they're ingesting.

Are Madagascar hissing cockroaches endangered?

Madagascar hissing cockroaches are not endangered, however, their habitat is slowly disappearing due to deforestation. They can also be found in various zoos around the world.

Does cockroaches give leprosy?

cockroaches don't carry diseases. armadiloes carry leprosy if eaten uncooked.

Are all diseases caused by germs?


What are the possible diseases caused by smoking?

Almost all of them. At least the most serious diseases.

What is deficiency diseases and what are the diseases caused?

They are diseases caused by lack vitaminsthe diseases caused are:rickets,beri beri, scruvy,kwashiorkor.

Which are the diseases for which vaccines are not discovered?

Currently, all vaccines on the market today only exist for diseases caused by viruses- though not all diseases caused by viruses have a corresponding vaccine. Notably, the common cold (rhinoviruses) and AIDS (HIV) have no vaccines.

Why the cockroaches Rats and-Flies are dangerous to man?

They are harmful and spread diseases to other people.

Why the Cockroaches Rats and Flies are dangerous to man?

They are harmful and spread diseases to other people.

How are cockroaches flies and rats harmful to us?

because they can carry diseases which can be harmful to humans

Diseases caused by bacteir?

Two common diseases caused by bacteria include meningitis and gonorrhea. Also, toxic shock syndrome, ear infections, and strep throat are all caused by bacteria.