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The colors of the red admiral butterfly is red, white, and black. The red admiral butterfly is so cute.

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Related questions

What is the symbolism of the red admiral butterfly?

The Red Admiral butterfly can symbolize love, life, and beauty. The Red Admiral is native to the country of New Zealand.

What is the scientific name for red-admiral butterfly?

The scientific name for the red admiral butterfly is Vanessa atalanta.

Is a red admiral butterfly poisonous?

The Red Admiral butterfly is not poisonous. It is popular in Europe, Asia, and North America. It is actually on of the friendliest type of butterfly

How long do red admiral butterflies live?

Red admiral butterflies typically live for about 2 weeks to a month as adults. They have a relatively short lifespan compared to other butterfly species.

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How long does a red admiral butterfly live?

The red admiral butterfly lives about 10 mouths or so.

What is a red admiral butterfly genus?

The biological classification or genus for a Red Admiral butterfly is Vanessa. The genus is taken for a girlâ??s name. Scientists once thought the genus was Antanartia.

Do Red Admiral Butterfly have predators?

The predators of the Red Admiral butterfly include large insects, spiders, wasps, birds, and bats. These butterflies enjoy feasting on nettles which also serve as protection from predators.

What is red butterfly called?

The Vanessa butterfly, the Painted Lady butterfly, and the Thistle butterfly could all be red butterflies. There are about 20,000 different butterflies known with 725 known to be in North America.

What is a native New Zealand butterfly?

The native New Zealand butterfly is the Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta). It is known for its distinctive red-orange and black wings, and can be found in various habitats throughout the country.

Why are nettle plants important in life cycle of a red admiral butterfly?

They lay there there eggs on them and they also eat them

What is the covering of pansy butterfly?

it is very colorful with the colors of red,blue,and white