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A leatherjacket is the larva of a cranefly.

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Q: A leatherjacket is the larval form of which insect?
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Are caterpillars insects?

Yes. They are the larval form of a butterfly or moth, which is an insect.

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Caterpillars are the larval form of the insect order including butterflies and moths

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Mealworms are larval beetles, which are insects.

When was Chinaman-leatherjacket created?

Chinaman-leatherjacket was created in 1824.

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Smooth leatherjacket was created in 1801.

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What comes first pupa of larva?

Typically, a pupa stage comes after a larval stage in many insect species. During the pupa stage, the insect undergoes metamorphosis and transforms into its adult form.

Is a catterpillar an insect?

Yes, it is an insect because it will soon developed into a butterfly which is an insect. My teacher thought us that caterpillars travel with only their first Six legs,the rest at the back are just for protection of its long body.