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Q: A flying animal that eats insects?
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Related questions

What is an example of an animal that eats only insects?

a bat is an animal that eats insects

What is the term for an animal that eats plants and insects?

An animal that eats both plants and insects is called an omnivore.

What kind of flying insects does the Indiana bat eat?

The Indiana bat eats flying insects, which it catches on the wing.

What animal eats rodents and insects?

An Owl eats both

Does a flying squirrel hunt?

I think it does, because it eats insects along with seeds and plants. If it eats insects it'll need to hunt them.

What is the word for an animal that eats mainly insects?

An animal that eats mainly insects is called an insectivore.

What is the animal that eats only insects?

a bat

An animal eats only insects?

Is an insectivore.

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What is an animal that only eats insects called?

An animal that only eats insects is called an insectivore.

What does a jeweled spider eat?

Mostly flying insects, but the female jeweled spider eats the males of the same species after mating. This is pretty common among spiders.

What is the meaning of insectivore?

An "Insectivore" is an animal that eats insects.