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If bugs are skimming across the water they could be getting a drink.

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Q: A bugs skimming on top of the water is possible due to what?
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The Gerridae are a family of insects in the order Hemiptera, commonly known as water striders, water bugs, pond skaters, water skippers, water skeeters or jesus bugs. A water skater is NOT floating, floating means that it is in the water and displacing a volume of water equal to its weight. A water skater is on top of the water it is not getting wet at all. The reason it can do this is due to the molecular tension of the water surface and to the fact that the skaters legs and feet are hydrophobic (they repel water). These two properties mean that the skater does not break through the surface of the water but "skates" around on the waters surface.

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The discovery of the cell was possible due to the invention of the microscope.

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Possible death, you'll actually gain weight due to water retention, & many health issues.

What is skeem?

It's skimming - basically if a cylinder head warps due to heat/pressure it's usually a last-ditch attempt to try to revive an engine with a blown head gasket by skimming a few microns off and hoping that by doing that the new exposed metal doesn't have the imperfection. It takes some very special machinery to do it though as we are talking thousandths of an inch.

Is it possible to see a mole of water with the naked eye?

No, it is not possible to see a mole of water (6.022 x 10^23 molecules) with the naked eye due to their extremely small size. A mole of water would consist of trillions of water molecules, far beyond what can be seen without the aid of a microscope.

Can a computer give a wrong answer?

Yes. Due to hardware defects, programming bugs, or just the overwhelming number of variables involved in a question, it is quite possible for a computer to give a wrong answer. An infamous example would be the FDIV bug found in early Pentiums.

What is engine skeeming?

It's skimming - basically if a cylinder head warps due to heat/pressure it's usually a last-ditch attempt to try to revive an engine with a blown head gasket by skimming a few microns off and hoping that by doing that the new exposed metal doesn't have the imperfection. It takes some very special machinery to do it though as we are talking thousandths of an inch.