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A bee's organ of scent is its antennae. They are so sensitive they can detect a single molecule of certain substances.

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Related questions

Where is a bee's sense of smell located?

A bee's sense of smell is located in its antennae. The sensory hairs on the bee's antennae pick up chemical signals from the environment, allowing the bee to detect and navigate towards food sources, flowers, and other bees.

How does a plant attract a bee?

The Bees Are Attracted To The Flowers Scent And Smell.

How does a honey bee find a plant?

Honey bees find plants by smell.

How far can bees smell?

A bee's organ of smell is its antennae, and its sense of smell is many times more sensitive than that of a human.

Why does my dog hang around bee hives?

the sweet scent that only animals can smell

What is the main purpose of a bee's antenna?

The main function of the bee's antennae is to smell. With their antennae the honey bee can detect odors and sometimes even the direction of the odor. Another important function of the bee's antennae is as an instrument to measure their flight speed. It is also believed a bee's antennae are sensitive to vibrations.

Does smell have the long e sound?

No, the word "smell" has a short e sound, not the long e sound. The long e sound is usually heard in words like "bee" or "see."

Why do flowers smell good?

Flowers produce scent molecules to attract pollinators like bees and butterflies. This pleasant smell helps the flowers in their reproduction process by luring in these pollinators to distribute pollen.

What do a bee say to a flower?

1: Theyre not flowers, theyre berries.2:WHY WOULD THEY BE ABLE TO TALK?!!Uh, have you ever even heard of a talking flower???

Why do bees start dancing in your face when you are drunk?

There's a special type of bee that is attracted to the stench of alcohol known as the Yellow Tiger Bee. They are out both day and night and sometimes glow in the dark. They are often found at large gatherings of people where alcohol abounds. That might be the type of bee you are dealing with, and they can particularly smell people who drink a lot.

Do bees like the smell of vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar has a sugar content that will attract bees. This is why apple cider vinegar has become useful when making bee traps.

What is a non-working male bee is called?

There are no bees that have no purpose at all, but the drone bee is probably the closest. The drone bee has no father - literally. It is hatched from an unfertilized egg, meaning it only has the chromosomes from the mother (Queen) bee..Drone bees have no stingers, and they do not gather food. They have antennae that they use to detect (smell) certain chemicals and enlarged eyes. These extra sensory capabilities enable the drone bee to detect an incoming queen bee, and then impregnate the queen bee. The drone bee dies as part of the impregnation process..Drone bees live for about 8 weeks. In harsh conditions (cold, etc.), the drone bees are evicted from the hive, whereupon they die due to exposure or to predation.