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The largest country is Russia but the country with the most popilation is China which has over one-sixth of the wor,d population and if you like in china as a couple you are on,y allowed to have 1 child

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Q: Which is the country known as the playground of the world means largest country?
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Is it true that the largest country has the largest population?

Not usually, but it depends on what 'largest' means. In most contexts, when one refers to the "largest country," they mean so in terms of this country's geographic size or area. However, the "largest country" can also occasionally refer to the country with the largest amount of people: the greatest population. In most instances, the first definition is implied. Under the first definition, therefore, the largest country is the Russian Federation, with an approximate area of 17.1 million km2 (6.6 million sq miles). Russia also has a population of approximately 143.7 million people. While this is quite a large population, it is not the largest population; the People's Republic of China (mainland China) has a population almost 10 times as great as Russia's (approx. 1.35 billion). Thus, the largest country (by the above definition) does not have the largest population.

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Is the country's capital and has been center of culture and government since the 1200s?

Beijing which means "Northern Capital" is the capital of the People's Republic of China. It is the second largest city of the country.

What is the country's capital and has been a center of culture and government since 1200?

Beijing which means "Northern Capital" is the capital of the People's Republic of China. It is the second largest city of the country.

Is the country's capital and has been a center of culture and government since the 1200?

Beijing which means "Northern Capital" is the capital of the People's Republic of China. It is the second largest city of the country.

What Is the country's capital and has been a center of culture and government since the 1200?

Beijing which means "Northern Capital" is the capital of the People's Republic of China. It is the second largest city of the country.