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The flag of Nepal.

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Q: Which country's flag is different in shape?
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Why doesn't Ohio have a state flag?

Because it chose a pennant instead. It does, TECHNICALLY have a flag, just in a different shape. It has to do with the calvalry. :)

What is different about Nepal?

Nepal is the only country to have it's flag in triangular shape.

What is the difference between a Flag and a Sail?

the difference is the shape

What is different about Nepal's flag compared with other flags?

Nepal's flag is the only national flag in the world that is not in the shape of a rectangle. It resembles two stacked triangles.

Which countrys flag is green with a panel of three vertical bands of red black and orange below a soaring orange eagle on the outer edge of the flag?


What countrys flag has two colored rectangle two white rectangle and two colored stars?

not 100% sure from your description but sounds like Panama's flag.

Why is great Britain's flag on Mount Everest?

The flag of Great Britain is on the summit of Mount Everest because a British climber left it there. Climbers from all over the world usually leave there countrys flag on the summit.

Nepal is different from Bhutan in that it .?

Nepal and Bhutan are sepretted countrys

What shape was the us flag when it was folded properly?

The flag folds into a triangle shape when you fold it properly for storage.

What is the Shape of the flag?


What shape is on the end of both the tongue and the tail of the dragon on the national flag of Wales?

The shape is of an arrowhead for the flag of Wales

Why do United Kingdom countries use their own flag?

Because, although the countries of the UK share a common standard (or flag) they also retain their own individual identities - demonstrated by flying the flag of their patron saint.