The words on the Brazilian flag, "Ordem e Progresso," mean "Order and Progress" in English. These words represent the country's motto and aspirations for social harmony and development.
Ordem e Progresso, meaning "Order and Progress," are the words on the flag of Brazil.
Four green triangles (they represent the forests) bordering a yellow rhombus (it represents the gold in Minas Gerais state), and a blue circle in the middle (it represents the vast skies and Brazil's waters). Inside the circle there is a curved white stripe with the words "ordem e progresso" (order and progress), and the stripe is surrounded by stars that are alwso inside the circle, one for each state (in one corner the stars form the Southern Cross, a constellation only seen in the south hemisphere).
Four green triangles (they represent the forests) bordering a yellow rhombus (it represents the gold in Minas Gerais state), and a blue circle in the middle (it represents the vast skies and Brazil's waters). Inside the circle there is a curved white stripe with the words "ordem e progresso" (order and progress), and the stripe is surrounded by stars that are alwso inside the circle, one for each state (in one corner the stars form the Southern Cross, a constellation only seen in the south hemisphere).
Four green triangles (they represent the forests) bordering a yellow rhombus (it represents the gold in Minas Gerais state), and a blue circle in the middle (it represents the vast skies and Brazil's waters). Inside the circle there is a curved white stripe with the words "ordem e progresso" (order and progress), and the stripe is surrounded by stars that are alwso inside the circle, one for each state (in one corner the stars form the Southern Cross, a constellation only seen in the south hemisphere).
Dumbwaiters contains five pronouns. It contains the words I, it, me, us and we.
if it contains more ryming words.
There are at least two answers to this question. The first is considered the "popular" and current interpretation: blue - the sky of Brazil green - the forests of Brazil yellow - gold and mineral resources white - peace The second answer is that the green and yellow represent the colors of the House of Braganza (Portugal) and House of Lorena/Habsburg (Austria), respectively, from the coat of arms of the families of Brazil's first royal family (D. Pedro I and Leopoldina); the blue represents the sky as seen from Rio de Janeiro in the morning of Nov 15, 1889; and the white is just the background on which to inscribe the words "Ordem e Progresso" (Order and Progress)
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