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Countries in Scandinavia use or have used the Kroner,

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Dell Herzog

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2y ago
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Q: What countries use the kroner?
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How do you translate kroner into dollars?

Currency conversion factors change every day so you need to look at a website that is regularly updated, such as or CNNMoney. In addition, you have to know what countries are involved. There are several countries that use kroner, and there are many that use dollars besides the U.S. (e.g. Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Bahamas, etc.)

What currency do they use in Copenhagen?


What country is kroner from?

It`s the currency in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland - The Nordic Countries.. Norwegian Krone - Swedish Krone and so on..

What is the currency in Denmark and Norway?

Scandinavia is no country. It includes the countries of Sweden, Norway and Denmark (many people would say it also includes Finland and Iceland). All these countries have their own currencies.

How do you use the word kroner in a sentence?

Very carefully. But if you meant an example sentence, then: Kroner rhymes with boner lol.

What does a to hundre kroner look like?

You need to be more specific. Both Denmark, Sweden and Norway use kroner.

How do you use kroner in a sentence?

Kroner is just the plural form of a currency like "dollars" or "pounds" or "pesos". So, "Do you have any kroner?" works just like "Do you have any dollars?"

What kind of money does Iceland use?


What country is a kroner from?

It`s the currency in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland - The Nordic Countries.. Norwegian Krone - Swedish Krone and so on..

What is a Kroner?

A kroner is a type of currency used in Scandinavian countries. For example, the Danish krone is the official currency of Denmark.

Do they use Danish kroner in Iceland?

No. In Iceland we use the currency of Icelandic kroners.

What currency does Oslo use?

Norwegian Kroner ($1=5.7kr)