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Q: What countries produce the largest amount of rubies in the world?
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At what place ruby gemstone are found abundly?

Ruby gemstones are found abundantly in countries such as Myanmar (formerly Burma), Sri Lanka, Thailand, Cambodia, and Mozambique. Myanmar is especially known for its high-quality rubies, including the famous "Pigeon's Blood" red color.

Where are rubies mined?

Rubies are mined in countries such as Myanmar, Thailand, Sri Lanka, and Madagascar. Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, produces some of the finest rubies in the world, particularly from the famous Mogok region.

Where are the largest deposits of rubies in the world?

The largest deposits of rubies are found in Myanmar (Burma), particularly in the Mogok region. Other significant sources include Thailand, Madagascar, and Sri Lanka. Myanmar is known for producing some of the finest and most valuable rubies in the world.

What is the collective noun for rubies?

It is a strand of rubies

Do cats have rubies?

Rubies are a gemstone. Unless the cat is wearing a collar that is decorated with rubies, no cats do not have rubies.

What countries produce gemstones?

Some of the top countries that produce gemstones are Brazil, Russia, India, China, and Australia. These countries are known for producing a wide variety of gemstones such as diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and amethysts.

What are rubies made of?

Rubies are made of the mineral corundum, which is composed of aluminum oxide with the element chromium giving the gemstone its red color. The intensity and shade of red in rubies can vary based on the amount of chromium present in the crystal structure. Inclusions of other minerals or elements can also affect the ruby's appearance and value.

Where in the world was a ruby mined?

Rubies can be found on almost any continent and are mined to a greater or lesser degree where ever they are found. The most exciting news has been the finds uncovered by the retreating ice shelf in Greenland but, the largest number and highest quality rubies come from mines in Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Kenya, and Thailand. Myanmar, formerly know as Burma, has been know for its high grade rubies for many hundred years.

Can rubies be green?

Yes, rubies can be green. Green rubies are rare and are typically a result of the presence of chromium impurities in the gemstone. These green rubies are often referred to as "chrome rubies" due to the chromium content giving them their green color.

What is the rubies density?

the rubies density is a 4 on the density scale

When did Rubies of Eventide happen?

Rubies of Eventide happened in 2003.

What do you do on Paper Mario after you get all the rubies?

you have to go to mimi and give her the rubies