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Q: How many countries have crescent in their flag?
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How many countries have a moon on their flags?

There are around a dozen Muslim nations with a crescent moon on their flag, including several former Soviet "republics". Brunei has one in its coat of arms on the flag. Singapore also has a small crescent, although it is not a Muslim nation.

What Islamic countries use the crescent and star symbol on their flag?

The countries that use the star and crescent symbols are the countries Algeria, Azerbaijan, Comoros, Malaysia, The Maldives, Mauritania, Pakistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

What country's flag has a crescent moon and a star on it?

The flag with a crescent moon and a star is Turkey's flag.

Which country has a five pointed star and a crescent on its flag?

the answer to this question is the South Africa flag is the best flag with 5 points and a crescent on it.

How many world flags contain a crescent?

There are several Muslim countries that feature the crescent moon and star on their national flag, although the crescent moon is not generally considered to be a symbol of Islam. Even more have used the symbol previously in history, but the color, size, orientation, and design features continue to vary widely from country to country. It is also interesting to note the diversity of the countries represented.The countries using a crescent moon and star on their national flag are.Algeria, Azerbaijan, Comoros, Malaysia, The Maldives, Mauritania, Pakistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Uzebekistan.

What is the meaning of crescent in the Pakistan flag represent?

The crescent in the Pakistan flag stands for bright fortune.

What country's flag has a crescent moon with 1 star?

Turkey's flag has a crescent moon and one star.

What is a tricoloured flag?

It is a flag with 3 equal bands of colour. They can be vertical or horizontal. Many countries have them.It is a flag with 3 equal bands of colour. They can be vertical or horizontal. Many countries have them.It is a flag with 3 equal bands of colour. They can be vertical or horizontal. Many countries have them.It is a flag with 3 equal bands of colour. They can be vertical or horizontal. Many countries have them.It is a flag with 3 equal bands of colour. They can be vertical or horizontal. Many countries have them.It is a flag with 3 equal bands of colour. They can be vertical or horizontal. Many countries have them.It is a flag with 3 equal bands of colour. They can be vertical or horizontal. Many countries have them.It is a flag with 3 equal bands of colour. They can be vertical or horizontal. Many countries have them.It is a flag with 3 equal bands of colour. They can be vertical or horizontal. Many countries have them.It is a flag with 3 equal bands of colour. They can be vertical or horizontal. Many countries have them.It is a flag with 3 equal bands of colour. They can be vertical or horizontal. Many countries have them.

Which does not depict crescent in a flag?


How many stars are there on the Pakistani flag?

There is one five-pointed star on the flag, alongside a crescent (for reference:

What national flag does not depict a crescent?

most of them....

What symbol is on the turkiesh flag?

The flag of turkey is a red flag with a white crescent moon and a star in its centre.