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Q: How do stock exchanges in other countries affect the performance of the US stock exchange?
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What factors affect the oprerations of the stock exchange apart from real interst rates?

There are unlimited number of factors that can affect the operations of stock exchanges apart from the real interest rates. A few are:- Macro and micro economic indicators of economy Currency fluctuations Corporate Earnings Inflation rate A number of factors can affect the operations of stock exchanges at any given time.

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fasting affect performance

How did the creation of the Atlantic slave trade affect colonies' relationship with their mother countries?

It resulted in a triangular exchange between the Americas, Europe, and Africa rather than a direct exchange between colonies and their mother countries. -Jade

What are some of the factors that affect the exchange rate in the long run?

Some factors that can affect exchange rates in the long run include interest rates, inflation rates, political stability, economic performance, and government debt. These factors can influence investor confidence, which in turn impacts the demand for a country's currency on the foreign exchange market and ultimately its exchange rate.

How did the Columbian Exchange affect america?

The Columbian exchange of goods imported and exported at first seemed like it was beneficial for all people because there were resources such as crops that could be shared. The downfall of the Columbian exchange for America was the native people had no immunity to the diseases brought over from other countries. The affect on the people was death to a lot of the Indians.

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It is possible for anxiety to affect a student's performance. It could affect their ability to concentrate.

What drugs affect sport performance?

ALL DRUGS will affect your performance in some sort of way.

How does oxygen debt affect performance?

it affect performance because lactic acid builds up in your muscles, which then causes shortness of breath and affects performance.

What does study habits affect study performance?

All study habits affect performance! Here's a good link.

Can relay affect the regulator performance?

A relay can affect the regulator's performance by limiting power it receives. This can severely restrict performance and result in potential damage to the equipment.

Why does gravity not affect an athlete's performance?

The question cannot be answered because it is based on a false premise that gravity does not affect performance.

Which component affect a computer's performance the most?

For most games, the graphics card affects the performance most followed by the processor and in some games the ram can affect performance as well.