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we celebrate united nations so we can keep world peace and to honor when the continets joined united nations.

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13y ago

well you can trow parties or help the community. You can also help each other and help your block by promoting peace. :)

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Q: Why do you celebrate United Nations day?
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Why is United Nations day celebrate?

ito ay itinatag noong Oct.24 1945

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To honor the United Nations General Assembly's adoption and proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

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The United States is the only one others have holidays on the same day to commemorate the lose of lives during WW1 but not other days.

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United Nations Day isn't solely an American holiday but a holiday celebrating all of the peoples that came together to form the United Nations. It was the United Nations General Assembly that established the holiday in 1948. The date set for the holiday is October 24th, the same day that the United Nations Charter was adopted in 1945. United Nations Day is just one of the events that take place during United Nations Week which runs every year from October 20-24th. United Nations Day isn't just a holiday to celebrate the beginning of the organization. Its purpose is more to uphold what the United Nations stands for; international economical development, security, social progress, human rights and world peace. Though none of the dozens of UN member states are required to recognize the holiday, the General Assembly did request it in 1971. Since 1946, even before its official inception, every year the U.S. President has proclaimed a United Nations Day. There are also various learning institutions and international schools across the world that recognize and celebrate United Nations Day as a day to show pride in their cultural diversity.

What is UN Day?

United Nations Day

Why do we celebrate United Nation Day?

we need to celebrate our UN for our different countries

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The United Nations.

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Many countries celebrate Valentine's Day, from the US and Canada to Europe and the United Kingdom to parts of Asia.

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Harmony Day was created in Australia in 1999 and was held at the same time as the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. It is held annually and provides an opportunity for Australians of all nationalities to come together and celebrate.

What date is declared by United Nations as International Day of Persons with Disabilities?

The 3rd December has been declared by United Nations as the International Day of the Persons with Disabilities.

What are the release dates for United Nations Day Concert - 1984 TV?

United Nations Day Concert - 1984 TV was released on: USA: March 1984