To liberalize trade among nations and avoid wars created by trade and economic problems
NovaNET----> To promote unrestricted trade between nations
.Nathan from E4$T $IDE REDWOOD CITY, California::
the WTO has no scope... lol
Function for WTO
actually GATT is a part of WTO and WTO is a body under UNO
disadvantages of WTO..?
a brife explanation of wto and its funtion
wto means world trade organization.
wto and it's relation in India
The WTO deals with the rules of trade between nations. The WTO originated in 1948 as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
Cape Verde becomes the WTO's 153rd memberCape Verde becomes the WTO's 153rd member
Yes russia is a wto member.
what contries are in observaer status with the WTO and why