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NATO does not have a president. It's acting head is the Secretary General. The current Secretary General is Anders Fogh Rasmussen, former prime minister of Denmark.

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Q: Who is the president of NATO?
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When was the NATO treaty put into effect?

When Truman was president.

Which us president was the author of NATO?

That would be U.S. President Richard Milhous Nixon.

President Clinton on NATO?

Expansion was inevitable. "Only question is of when and where"

US involvement in NATO under President Bill Clinton's administration?

Wanted to expand NATO to increase security and military influence.

President as supreme commander of the armed forces?

The technicality is in the title within your question. The US President is the civilian "commander in Chief" of the US Armed Forces as stated in the US Constitution, however, during NATO supported conflicts, in the past, there has been a military position of Supreme Commander of NATO forces, which reports to the US President and NATO.

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Bill Clinton

Who was president when NATO was formed?

NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was formed when the North Atlantic Treaty was signed on April 4th, 1949. Harry S. Truman was less than three months into his second term as President at that time.

How did Harry S. Truman help create NATO?

yes harry Truman signed NATO, as he was president in 1948. Although the treaty was finalized April 4, 1949.

What happend to Dwight D. Eisenhower because he was involved in ww2?

He became President of Columbia, first head of NATO and President of the US.

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