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un president of the general assembly

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Q: Who is the chairperson in united nation of general assemble?
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What commission at the United Nation was Eleanor Roosselvelt chairperson of

Who is the chairperson for the NSC?

The chairperson of the National Security Council (NSC) in the United States is typically the President of the United States.

What nation would you find the United Nation general headquarters?

In New York, USA.

The seventh secretary-general of the united nation?

kofi annan

Who is the present general of united nation?

ban-ki moon

What did the general assembly do?

is the body where all member nation discuss issues recommend actions for the united nation

Who are the present secretary-general in the united nation?

ban ki moon

Where the first general assembly of united nation took place?


Who is the President 2010 United Nation's Organization?

The Secretary-General of the United Nations is Ban Ki-moon.

Who is the president of united nation general assembly in 2011?

Ban Ki Moon

First African to become secretary of united nation?

Kofi Annan.He was the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations

Highest rank in the world?

highest rank in the world is : SECRETARY GENERAL OF UNITED NATION