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(U.N. members which volunteer?

The United Nations does not have a standing military force equipped with battleships, bombers, and millions of soldiers. So if the Security Council decides that military action must be taken, it must rely on U.N. members to volunteer their armies.This is what happened in 1950. In that year, Communist North Korea attacked South Korea. South Korea then asked the Security Council for help. The Council voted to authorize U.N. members to send military aid to South Korea. The U.S. and fifteen other countries agreed to send soldiers to help South Korea. These soldiers became a U.N. force that saved South Korea from conquest.

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Q: Who enforces decisions made by the Security Council?
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Who enforces decisions made by security council?

(U.N. members which volunteer? The United Nations does not have a standing military force equipped with battleships, bombers, and millions of soldiers. So if the Security Council decides that military action must be taken, it must rely on U.N. members to volunteer their armies.This is what happened in 1950. In that year, Communist North Korea attacked South Korea. South Korea then asked the Security Council for help. The Council voted to authorize U.N. members to send military aid to South Korea. The U.S. and fifteen other countries agreed to send soldiers to help South Korea. These soldiers became a U.N. force that saved South Korea from conquest.

The Security Council of the United Nations?

The Security Council is responsible for the maintenance international security and peace. The council is made up of fifteen members, and each member has one vote.

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the great council does

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In the democratic period, the adult male citizens in fortnightly assembly, with the decisions implemented by the council.

What can Iraq do in the Security Council?

Well. Because Iraq is full of uneducated terrorists, they will never be on the security council. The risk of them blowing everyone up with a home made explosive are too high.

What kind of decision makers did the Athenians have?

The citizens made the decisions in fortnightly assembly, the Council of 500 carried them out.

The Security Council is made up of 5 permanent members and?

10 temporary members.

What two bodies made up the United Nations?

The General Assembly and the Security Council