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Almost every nation sets up laws to control pollution effects and emitters. The implementation of the laws varies considerably and the effectiveness of the enforcement agency is sometimes questionable.

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Q: Which nation set up an agency to regulate and control its pollution problems?
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What Congress established air pollution problems in 1969 to help?

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

What is national pollution control commission?

The National Pollution Control Commission is a government agency responsible for regulating and overseeing activities related to pollution control in a country. It sets guidelines, monitors pollution levels, enforces regulations, and works towards reducing environmental pollution for the protection of human health and the environment.

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The official pollution watchdog agency is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

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Protecting the Earth from all types of pollutants.

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The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was formed in 1970 to address and regulate pollution to protect America's air, water, and land. Its mission includes conducting research, setting standards, and enforcing regulations to safeguard the environment and public health.

What industry that is being regulated gains control over the agency that is supposed to regulate it?

All of them. Because key regulatory agency posts are staffed by veterans of the industry they're supposed to regulate, and many will expect to return to that industry at some point. It's called "the revolving door".

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Texas Commision on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)

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The Environmental Protection Agency is the US agency charged with setting and enforcing pollution standards

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the FDA