No you can't. Passport number is only written in your passport booklet.
A Swedish passport is done at the police.
Sorry, but unless you have a copy of the data-page of your lost passport, there are no ways to find the passport number, issue and expiry dates.
Sorry, but unless you have a copy of the data-page (a.k.a. info-page) of your passport, there are no other ways to find the issue and expiry date of your passport- until you can contact your daughter.
Usuall in most cases, the place of issue is indicated on the first pages on the passport where the identification of the holder is also stated as well as the photo.
There is no "African Passport". Africa is a continent, not a country. Countries issue passports.
If it isn't printed in the passport itself then use your country's capital as place of issue. Examples: for USA passport, use Washington, DC; for UK passport, use London.
A passport takes paperwork and about 75 dollars and time. So, probably not because of the money issue
Both of them are valid for 10 years from the issue date.
The passport requirements is same as when you get a Philippine Passport in Manila or any Philippine City. No difference.
Pakistani passport holder can travel to Togo with out visa entry visa will be issue on arrivel