It became an EU member on 1st January, 2007.
Since 1 January 2007 Bulgaria has been a full member of the EU.
Yes, Bulgaria is on the continent of Europe and joined the EU on 1st January 2007.
Romania and Bulgaria are non-euro, non-Schengen, EU countries. Turkey is not yet a member of the EU.
Its a sovereign country. member of EU, NATO, WTO
with EU member countries, USA, rest of Europe
There is (are) no major reason (s) for Bulgaria to be a 'crazy' country. Bulgaria (latest member of the EU) is doing fine and improving itself.
As Bulgaria is a member of EU, Bulgarians freely move and pass though EU countries
1. Historically it is in Europe 2. Its a member of NATO 3. Its a full member of EU
The question was before 5 years. To reply now, its difficult. The merits of Bulgaria is: Next year Bulgaria will have the rotating presidency role of the EU for 6 months. Bad is: its still not a member of the Schengen
Bulgaria surrenders fugitive offenders to all EU Member States (including the UK) on the basis of the European Arrest Warrant.
No it is not under developed. It is not in the club of LDC (least developed countries). One can check its GDP/GNP. And Bulgaria is a member of the EU